Sunday, August 30, 2009

The Klausenburger Rebbe- India

5742/1982, Parshas Lech Lecha, the Klausenburger Rebbe, Rav Yekusiel Yehuda Halberstam zt”l gave a Chumash shiur about the times of ikvisa deMeshicha, the times before Moshiach.

The Rebbe’s remarks gained publicity more recently, following the Mumbai attacks, because he mentions, in the course of his statements, “a Yid living in India, who is going to die, and millions of people there will learn what a Jew is.”

Below is a translation of excerpts of the Rebbe’s drasha:
Zochreuinu lechaim melech chofetz bachaim vechosveinu besefer hachaim lemaancha Elokim chayim. Why do we ask for life? For Your sake, Hashem! Yidden need life, so that they can tell the world’s people, that there is a G-d in Heaven. When you have one Jew living among thousands of others, even a hundred thousand, all of them will find out, that there is One G-d.

This in itself is a tremendous benefit. This way, a Jew is mekadesh sheim Shomayim berabim, as it is written, “Lo heglah Hakadosh Boruch Hu es Yisroel bein ha’umos elah kedei sheyitosfu aleihem geirim” – the Jewish people had to go to golus, so that there would be many geirim. Hashem wanted the whole world to know, that there was one People who didn’t believe in avodah zara. The Gemara states, that this is the tremendous tachlis, the goal of golus.

There could be one Yid living in all of India. He may be the only one there, but hundreds of people know about him. They talk about him, they discuss his situation. Is he alive? Was he killed?

The more time that passes without Moshiach, the more they talk about the Yid. People are so involved in politics and in gashmiyus today, that they don’t realize what this means.

Millions of people who never knew that Yidden existed, are now talking about Yidden. For example, in the early years in America, did they know anything about Yidden? Or in far-off India, under the harei choshech, what did they know about Yidden?

Today, however, I doubt that a single person exists, who does not know of the Yidden. Some of them bless us, some of them curse us, but they all know about us.

They have to know Yidden, so when Moshiach will come, they can say, “Hashem Elokei Yisroel Melech umalchuso bakol mashala…” Where there are no Yidden, they wouldn’t know who Hashem is.

That is why Hashem has had to leave us in golus for so long, until the whole world, miktzeh ha’olam ve’ad ketzeihu, will recognize that. So when Moshiach will suddenly appear and we will all cry out, “Shema Yisroel Hashem Elokeinu,” the nations will respond, “Hashem Echad!”
We say this in Akdamus: When people will ask, why you let yourself be killed for G-d, the Yidden will explain it to them, and everyone will realize, that this was in fact the Yid’s tachlis.

And that tachlis will be realized one day. Every day that goes by, is one day closer. Somewhere they may be isolated people, a thousand or fifteen hundred in number, who don’t know about the Yidden. They, too, must learn about us. It may take a year, it may take more; but in heaven there is no rush, as time is not important up there.

Im yiyeh nidchacha biktzei haShomayim, we should know, that misham yekabetzcha Hashem Elokecha umisham yikochecha. There must be Yidden in Honolulu, at the North Pole, at the South Pole….then the tachlis of the golus will be completed, and the geulah sheleimah will take place…
{Dovid Newscenter}

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