Sunday, August 30, 2009

Roosters and the Geula

There is story about Rav Yonason Eibshets. Once a non-Jew came to him and asked him: “How can it be that it is written in your Torah that the Jews will one day rule the world. The Jews are the smallest nation in the world, and there are over seventy nations that are much greater than the Jews.”

He answered: “Take seventy roosters and one hen, starve them for three days. Then put them all together in a chicken coop. In the middle of the chicken coop put a tray of food, then step back and watch what happens, then you will have your answer.”

He followed his instructions, and when the three days passed he placed the roosters and the hen together in the coop and placed the food in the middle, and stepped out to see what would happen.

Most people would think that the roosters upon seeing the food would immediately rush to grab the food and the poor hen being so small and weak would be left behind to starve.

But when one roster saw the other roosted rushing for the food they each got jealous of the other and started attacking each other. After a half an hour all the roosters were either dead or wounded.

The poor starving hen looked around and saw that no one was eating the food, so she sauntered over and had the entire plate for herself!

In other words the nations of the world are too ego oriented, to let any country but themselves rule the world; they would rather go down fighting, than let someone else take over. Only the humble Jews, are politely waiting on the sidelines, in order to let the dust settle.

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