Sunday, August 30, 2009

R' Yitzchok Abarbanel

R' Yitzchok Abarbanel, Mashmiya Yeshua 3:10:

The city of Yerushalayim, will be in the hands of the Ishmaelites, when Melech Hamoshiach will be revealed; as stated in Pirkei d'Rebbi Eliezer. Shelah Hakadosh, parshas Shemos The entire matter of Gog and Magog, is for the sake of zichuch (refinement); not like Nevuchadnezzar, where the fear was a punishment.

Instead, these are yissurim shel
ahava (sufferings from love), which come [not as punishment], but to refine and weaken the physical aspect, and to increase the inner knowledge of G-d.

It says in seforim, that the war against Gog and Magog, is the war against the enemies of Israel; for that the reason, Hashem brings all of them against us at once, is to wipe them out all at once!

After Gog and Magog, the whole world believe in Hashem; because Gog and Magog are mainly from Amalek; and when Gog and Magog are wiped out, Amalek is wiped out; and when Amalek is wiped out, so is non-belief in Hashem.
R' Yitzchok Abarbanel, on Zecharia 14 Gog will come three times against Yerushalayim...and Gog uMagog are Ishmaelites...

And we learned further, that any time they came [in the past], and so too when Gog uMagog will come to wage war on Yerushalayim, it was. And will be against the Xtians who hold it, not against Israel.

And so too, it will be in the future. The Xtians will exile half the people of Yerushalayim, destroying homes, r"l, but the rest of the people won't be cut off, and won't leave the city, and won't go into captivity.

This half won't remain due to their might, but rather because the Xtians will be plundering freely, and they will about the armies coming against them; and they will stop [plundering] in order to fight the Ishmaelites, who are coming against them.

Then Hashem's will shall be awakened, to fight for his people, because when half the people are exiled Hashem, will come out of his place in Heaven to take vengeance for His people. Hashem will fight for us, "and you shall remain silent". R' Yitzchok Abarbanel, Maayanos Hayeshua 11:8 [The Ishmaelim and the Xtians will battle...]

Moshiach ben Dovid will kill the enemies; and Armilus, the head of the Xtian warriors, like Gog is the head of the Ishmaelite soldiers. "Gathered from many peoples" (Yechezkiel): this refers to the Xtians, who will have conquered the hills of Eretz Yisroel [...] that's why Gog comes against them with a great army [...].

Don't be troubled that Magog was among the sons of Yafes and Ashur, among the sons of Shem, because chazal say, that Sancheriv mixed up the world populations, and the Assyrians settled in the land of Magog; and the prophet mentions them by the place name.

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